absolute majority of votesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Acceptance ( " assent " ) requires an absolute majority of votes.
  2. The party which obtains the absolute majority of votes wins all the seats.
  3. He received an absolute majority of votes cast by parliamentarians.
  4. Things were decided within a secret voting, the absolute majority of votes was needed.
  5. Each Councillor is elected individually by secret ballot by an absolute majority of votes.


  1. "absolute magnetometer"の例文
  2. "absolute magnitude"の例文
  3. "absolute magnitudes"の例文
  4. "absolute majorities"の例文
  5. "absolute majority"の例文
  6. "absolute manage"の例文
  7. "absolute manometer"の例文
  8. "absolute mass unit"の例文
  9. "absolute maximum"の例文
  10. "absolute maximum loss"の例文
  11. "absolute majorities"の例文
  12. "absolute majority"の例文
  13. "absolute manage"の例文
  14. "absolute manometer"の例文

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